

Carla Carer


Learn more about this designer

The architect Carla Carer has been in charge of the Carla Carer Architecture Office since 2008. Always in search of news and constant updates on market trends, she offers her clients projects that prioritize the wishes of each one of them. The main mission of this architect and her team, but also the biggest challenge, is to satisfy the needs of each client.

To achieve this, it always seeks to be present in the execution process of each project, since they are essential to achieve the desired result. The design language is based on the style of each client. Then, after a first contact with the project, the architect transfers her ideas taking into account the unique characteristics and requests of the client.

The same thing, a clear characteristic of the projects signed by the architect Carla Carer, is the use of color, which brings personality and prominence to her projects. A perfect result!

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The main mission and the greatest challenge is to fulfill the dreams of each client.




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