

Okura Boutique Hotel

This hotel leads the way in quality and the service delivered to guests. The decoration, designed by Karime Peña, has an oriental feel, functionality and design in every room, perfectly in tune with the spirit of the Okura Boutique Hotel. 3, 2, 1…Zen!

Okura Boutique Hotel, oriental inspiration that sets it apart

The Okura Boutique Hotel offers an interior design concept in which the oriental style floods every part of the rooms. Karime Peña  was responsible for designing the interior design project, with the clear aim of making it original and creating a space designed for the most demanding guests. So, the interior designer carefully studied each concept and all of the features of the Okura Boutique Hotel’s business to make these rooms a reality.

In this sense, the hotel’s decor has a notably calm and relaxed feel, predominant features of the Japanese style. Achieving a state of Zen as soon as you set foot inside the hotel’s reception was one of the missions of this project. To achieve this, Karime Peña opted for pure materials that emanate relaxation and a feeling of contact with nature. This interior design project also seeks to create uncluttered rooms, based on the Feng Shui philosophy in which people are at one with the natural environment.

Tiles to create shape and volume

As a result, the rooms in the Okura Boutique Hotel are unique spaces where finding the time to relax is a very simple task. To achieve this effect, the designer chose Origami White and Origami Black ceramic pieces to cover the walls. Thanks to the exclusive shapes created with the placement of these tiles, Karime Peña creates a sense of movement and spaciousness in each area. One of the original details featured are the Origami pieces that have also been used to create the headboards, an original way of integrating the ceramic tiles by using them as furniture. It is also worth noting that in certain parts of the room gold tiles from the same range have been included, thus adding a sophisticated touch without overwhelming the setting.

To round off the project, the hotel's communal areas that lead to the rooms have also been tiled with the Origami model. This range from the Shapes collection fits in perfectly with the oriental style of this interior design project because, besides offering countless layout options, they create a feeling of spaciousness within a room. We love the result!


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