Lledó Barberá
Autor/a: Lledó Barberá Fecha de publicación: 19/07/2024 Última edición: 21/07/2024

Interior design in contemporary spaces with high-end ceramics

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    In the dynamic world of interior design, the contemporary interior style stands out as a fascinating and relevant option that captures the essence of the present. Inspired by the evolution of architecture and modern lifestyle, contemporary design is characterized by its focus on clean lines, open spaces, and a neutral color palette complemented by bold and sophisticated touches.

    In modern contemporary style, every detail counts. From the selection of furniture to strategic lighting, each element is carefully chosen to reflect a contemporary and functional style. And it is here where one of the materials that has gained the most popularity in recent years to achieve this contemporary interior style is high-end ceramics. Not only is it versatile and durable, but it also brings a sophisticated aesthetic that perfectly complements this decorative style.

    In this article, as experts in high-quality flooring and coverings, we will review everything that shapes an interior space with a contemporary decorative style: from the key characteristics of this style to which tiles are best for each type of project, as well as examples and trends. Here you will find all the necessary keys to elevate and transform your interior design and give it a unique, elegant, and tasteful contemporary touch.

    Main characteristics of contemporary interior style

    -Defined lines and precise geometry. One of the fundamental pillars of contemporary decorative style is its preference for clear lines and precise geometric shapes. From furniture to architectural elements, everything is designed to have a crisp and structured appearance, creating an aesthetic of order and balance. These defined lines not only provide a sense of modernity but also facilitate space organization and the creation of a serene and elegant atmosphere.

    -Modern materials and sophisticated textures. In terms of materials, contemporary design favors modern and high-quality options that reflect current technology and industry advancements, such as high-end tiles that can replicate any other material (cement, stone, wood, concrete) but with the technical (resistance, durability, versatility in formats and textures) and economic advantages of ceramics.

    Diurne Oxide 60x120

    -Neutral color palette. The color palette in contemporary design usually includes neutral tones like white, gray, and beige. These colors act as a calm and versatile base that allows flexibility in decoration and furniture. However, what truly distinguishes contemporary style is the strategic use of vibrant accents through decorative details that add depth and personality to the space, creating focal points.

    -Fluid and functional spaces. The layout of spaces in contemporary interior style is designed to maximize functionality and comfort. Environments are typically open and fluid, facilitating movement and interaction between different areas of the home. This fluidity also extends to the integration of indoor and outdoor spaces, making the most of natural light and creating a sense of expansion and connection with the surroundings.

    High-end ceramics in modern contemporary style

    As mentioned, contemporary decorative style is characterized by clean lines, open spaces, and a neutral color palette with vibrant color accents. In this context, and focusing on the materials that can be used, high-end ceramics offer a unique opportunity to add texture, patterns, and a sense of discreet luxury to any interior space. From wall tiles to floors, countertops, and decorative details, ceramics not only visually enhance but also meet the standards of functionality and durability that are fundamental in contemporary design.

    The evolution of ceramics in modern architecture

    Ceramics have undergone a fascinating evolution in the context of modern architecture, transforming from a traditionally utilitarian material to one highly valued for its aesthetic and functional versatility. Over the years, this material has been subject to constant innovations that have expanded its potential beyond simple decorative or structural applications, making it an indispensable option for contemporary architects seeking to combine style, durability, and sustainability.

    From its origins in ancient civilizations to its revitalization in the modern era, ceramics have been used for their unique ability to withstand the test of time and weather. Originally appreciated for their durability and versatility in practical applications like roof tiles and floor tiles, their adaptation in the architectural field has been a story of continuous innovation and improvement.

    The introduction of advanced technologies has revolutionized the way ceramics are designed and manufactured. This has enabled the creation of ceramic pieces with complex designs, varied textures, and a precision in details that rivals natural materials like stone and marble. The ability of ceramics to mimic the appearance of these materials with astonishing reliability has greatly expanded the design options for modern architects, allowing them to create spaces that combine the desired aesthetics with the practical benefits of ceramics.

    In contemporary architecture, ceramics are used not only as a durable and decorative exterior cladding but also as an integral component of a building's visual identity. From tiled facades to decorative panels that define interior aesthetics, the versatility of ceramics has redefined the limits of what is possible in architectural design.

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    Benefits of ceramics in contemporary architectural design

    Ceramics offer a range of significant benefits that make them an ideal choice for contemporary interior style:

    -Durability and resistance. Ceramics are known for their ability to withstand wear, stains, and moisture, making them perfect for exterior and interior applications that require long-lasting materials.

    -Design versatility. Thanks to technological advancements, ceramics can mimic a wide range of natural materials like stone, marble, and wood, offering flexible aesthetic options for any architectural style.

    -Low maintenance and lower cost than natural materials. Their smooth, non-porous surface makes cleaning and maintenance easy, reducing long-term costs associated with frequent repairs and replacements. Similarly, by faithfully reproducing natural materials such as stone, cement, or wood, the cost of purchase and maintenance is also reduced.

    Black&Light Calacatta

    Tips for integrating high-end ceramic into contemporary design

    Integrating high-end ceramic into a contemporary decorative style can elevate the aesthetics and functionality of any space. Here are some tips to ensure optimal selection and application to achieve the desired result.

    Factors to consider when choosing ceramic to achieve a contemporary interior style

    -Style and aesthetics. The two keys in any interior design project. It is vital to ensure that the ceramic complements the overall style of the space. High-end ceramic comes in a variety of colors, textures, and patterns, so it is important to select one that aligns with the aesthetic vision of your design.

    -Space planning. Consider how the ceramic will be used in the space and select the appropriate type of ceramic based on functionality and expected traffic level. For example, in areas such as kitchens and bathrooms, it is essential to choose ceramic that is durable and resistant to stains and moisture, while for accent walls or decorative surfaces, you can opt for more delicate and decorative ceramic.

    -Size and format. The size of the tiles can significantly influence the perception of space. Large-format tiles can make a small room appear larger, while small mosaics can add interesting visual details.

    -Finish and texture. Matte and textured finishes are gaining popularity in contemporary designs for their sophisticated appearance. Also consider safety; in wet areas, non-slip finishes are crucial and mandatory.

    Emporio Grey

    Common mistakes when integrating high-end ceramic

    Here are some common mistakes to avoid to ensure that a design project is successful:

    -Not considering the space context. A frequent error is not taking into account how the ceramic will interact with other elements in the space. It is crucial to ensure that the selected ceramic harmonizes with the existing colors, materials, and furniture in the room.

    -Ignoring functional needs. Choosing ceramic solely for its appearance without considering its durability and resistance can lead to long-term problems. It is essential to select materials that can withstand the daily use of the space.

    -Underestimating the impact of lighting. Lighting can dramatically change the appearance of the ceramic. It is important to consider how natural and artificial light will affect the color and texture of the selected tiles.

    Current trends in ceramic for architecture and contemporary interior style

    Ceramic is a key material in contemporary interior architecture, valued for its versatility, durability, and ability to adapt to modern trends. Here, we explore current trends in ceramic, focusing on designs and patterns, colors, most common combinations, and their application in both interiors and exteriors within the contemporary style.

    Designs and patterns

    -Geometric designs. Geometric patterns are trending in contemporary interiors. From hexagons and triangles to intricate mosaics, these designs add dynamism and modernity to spaces. Tiles with geometric patterns are used on floors and walls, creating striking and sophisticated visual effects that are characteristic of contemporary style, as seen in this inspirational image.

    Zement Exa Grey

    -Imitation of natural materials. Ceramic that imitates natural materials such as wood, marble, and stone remains popular. This trend allows for a natural look without the maintenance issues and cost of the original materials. Digital printing technology has advanced so much that these tiles offer a precise and realistic representation, aligning with the contemporary aesthetic that values the integration of natural elements into design.

    Selene Grey

    -Reliefs and textures. Relief and textured tiles add depth and character to interior surfaces. From subtle designs to three-dimensional patterns, these tiles can transform a plain wall into a stunning decorative element. They are ideal for creating accent walls in bathrooms, kitchens, and living areas, where touch and appearance combine to enhance the space.

    Marmolissima + Mosaico Lux


    -Neutral Tones. Neutral colors such as white, gray, beige, and black dominate contemporary interiors. These tones provide a versatile and timeless base that adapts to any decorative style and helps create open and bright spaces.

    Zement Grey

    -Earthy Colors. Earthy tones like browns, ochres, and olive greens are gaining popularity for their ability to add warmth and a connection to nature. These colors work well in various contexts, from minimalist to rustic contemporary styles.

    Baikal Warm

    -Vibrant Colors. Although neutral tones are predominant, vibrant colors are used as important accents. Deep blue, emerald green, or burgundy are some of the colors that add vitality and dynamism to contemporary spaces, maintaining a balance between sobriety and freshness.


    Most common combinations

    -Monochromatic with textures. Combining a single color in different textures and finishes creates an elegant and sophisticated monochromatic effect. Using varying shades of gray or white on matte and glossy surfaces, for example, adds visual interest without overwhelming the space, a key feature of contemporary design.

    Light Calacatta Satin

    -Bold contrasts. Mixing colors or formats and finishes is a trend that adds drama and depth. For example, using small tiles to create dynamism with the contrast of marble on the floor introduces elegance and sophistication. This bold and modern contrast is ideal for achieving a contemporary style in interiors.

    Agadir Selva + Baikal Warm

    -Natural and metallic. Combining ceramic that imitates natural materials with metallic finishes is on the rise. This approach adds an industrial chic touch, blending the warmth of wood or stone with the shine of metal, perfectly in tune with the contemporary style.

    Magnet Copper-Lap

    Trends in interiors

    -Kitchens. In contemporary kitchens, ceramics are used for floors, backsplashes, countertops, and accent walls. Geometric patterns and neutral colors are predominant, while matte finishes are gaining popularity for their modern and elegant appearance.

    Calacatta Superwhite Satin

    -Bathrooms. Contemporary bathrooms benefit from ceramics with textures and reliefs that add a touch of luxury. Neutral tones are common, but earthy colors and tiles that mimic marble are also on the rise. Accent walls with geometric patterns or detailed mosaics are a popular choice to add visual interest.

    Pietrasanta Ivory

    -Living areas. In living areas, ceramics are used to create accent walls and durable floors. Large-format tiles and designs that mimic natural materials like marble are popular. Integrating tiles with textures and subtle patterns can add an extra layer of sophistication to the space, a hallmark of contemporary interior design.

    Pietrasanta Dark Grey

    Trends in exteriors

    -Facades. Facades with ceramics are becoming increasingly popular. Designs that mimic stone and wood, as well as earthy colors that blend well with the natural environment, are highly favored.

    Pietrasanta Ivory

    -Terraces and patios. For outdoor spaces seeking a contemporary style, large-format ceramics and slip-resistant tiles are common and necessary choices. Neutral colors and patterns that mimic natural materials create a cozy and cohesive environment. Additionally, connecting the exterior with the interior, following the In&Out project trend, is becoming more popular and is a way to harmonize and provide continuity to spaces.

    Pietrasanta Ivory

    -Pools and wet areas. Ceramics are a popular choice for covering pools and wet areas due to their water resistance and durability. Blue and green tones are common, as well as mosaic patterns that add a decorative touch.

    Pietrasanta Ivory

    Ceramics continue to be an essential material in contemporary interior design, offering a unique blend of aesthetics, functionality, and sustainability. Current trends reflect a balance between innovative designs, a versatile color palette, and creative combinations that allow architects and designers to create unique and attractive spaces. Whether indoors or outdoors, high-end ceramics continue to transform contemporary architecture, providing durable and visually impressive solutions. Do you like this style?

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