

Which materials can and cannot be used for exteriors?

The use that you are going to put a base to depends on their porosity. As a general rule if the level of porosity is higher than 3% the tiles can only be used for interiors, while if it is above 6% then they can only be used for walls.
If the level of porosity is low (less than 3%) then the tiles can be used for both exteriors and interiors and on both floors and walls.
Although other criteria also exist to determine usage, absorption is the most widely employed.
Consult the usage table on page 318 and, in case of doubt, contact your commercial consultant.

What is PVD?

PVD is a decorative technique used to cover tiles with a metallic coating. This is a very fine film that highlights the features of the covered surface: shine, relief details… any irregularity or nuance will be stressed.
The PVD effect is particularly spectacular in the EXTRAVAGANZA Series, where the raised volume of the tiles is highlighted by the sheen provided by the PVD, which creates a fascinating play of light and shadow.
In technical terms PVD is an acronym for the process of “Physical Vapour Deposition”, in which pieces are passed through a reactor, inside which a vacuum has been generated, and are bombarded by a kind of metallic vapour, using an electric arc.
As a result of this process the metallic particles become firmly adhered to the surface of the part. This finish neither increases nor decreases the resistance of the tile, and the PVD products included in our catalogue are not apt for exterior use, given that the process is applied to porous materials that do not have the required water absorption index for exterior use.



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