Lledó Barberá
Autor/a: Lledó Barberá Fecha de publicación: 07/05/2024 Última edición: 22/07/2024

Architectural minimalism: evolution towards a new way of life

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    In the vast universe of architecture, one current has emerged as a beacon of simplicity, functionality and elegance: architectural minimalism. This approach is not only an aesthetic style, but a paradigm that redefines the relationship between the built space and those who inhabit it. Over the decades, it has evolved from an aesthetic response to a contemporary lifestyle, influencing not only the way we build, but also how we live and experience the environment around us.

    Introduction to minimalism in architecture

    Minimalism in architecture is much more than an aesthetic style: it is a philosophical approach that seeks to simplify, purify and essentialise the built environment. Emerging as a reaction to the excessive ornamentation and complexity of previous styles, architectural minimalism advocates clarity, functionality and beauty in its purest form.

    Definition and foundations of minimalism in architecture

    Minimalism in architecture is defined by its focus on simplicity, functionality and visual clarity. In its purest form, it seeks to eliminate the superfluous and concentrate on the essential, creating spaces that inspire calm and serenity. Its foundations are based on several key principles:

    - Simplicity. Minimalism advocates the elimination of ornamental elements and the reduction of decoration to its most basic expression. This translates into clean lines, simple geometry and a neutral colour palette.

    - Functionality. Utility and adaptability are fundamental aspects of minimalism. Minimalist spaces are designed to meet the practical needs of those who use them, prioritising efficiency and comfort.

    - Clarity. Visual clarity is essential in minimalism. Visual distractions are avoided and an environment is created where the architecture itself can speak. The absence of clutter and careful organisation contribute to this sense of clarity.

    - Honest materiality. Minimalism values authenticity of materials and honesty in their use. Natural and durable materials are preferred, such as wood, cement and concrete, whose beauty and quality can be appreciated in their simplest form.

    - Brightness. Maximising natural light is another fundamental principle of minimalism. The aim is to create bright, open spaces that promote a sense of spaciousness and connection to the outside environment.

    These fundamentals combine to create a timeless and elegant aesthetic that transcends trends and focuses on the very essence of architecture: the creation of spaces that enhance the lives of those who inhabit them.

    The importance of minimalism in contemporary design

    The importance of minimalism in contemporary design lies in its ability to offer responses to the needs and demands of an ever-evolving society. In an increasingly complex and stimulus-saturated world, minimalism emerges as a refreshing approach that promotes simplicity, functionality and serenity in the built environment.

    First and foremost, minimalism responds to the search for a balance between the aesthetic and the functional. In a context where efficiency and practicality are priorities, minimalism offers a clean and refined aesthetic that does not compromise the functionality of spaces. This combination of form and function is fundamental in contemporary design, where the aim is to create environments that are visually appealing and at the same time practical and adaptable to the changing needs of users.

    In addition, minimalism in contemporary design reflects a concern for sustainability and responsible consumption. By reducing the use of unnecessary materials and resources, minimalism encourages greater environmental awareness and promotes more responsible design practices. This sensitivity to sustainability is increasingly relevant in a world where the preservation of the environment has become a global priority.

    Another important aspect of minimalism's importance in contemporary design is its ability to create spaces that promote wellbeing and quality of life. The simplicity and visual clarity of minimalist spaces can have a positive impact on people's mental and emotional health, providing a haven of calm amidst the hustle and bustle of modern life. At a time when stress and anxiety are increasingly common problems, minimalist spaces offer an opportunity to unwind and recharge.

    The evolution of minimalism throughout history

    The evolution of minimalism throughout history has been influenced by various movements and key figures in the world of architecture and design. From its roots in movements such as modernism and functionalism to its consolidation as a distinctive style in the second half of the 20th century, minimalism has undergone a journey of transformation and refinement.

    Minimalism in architecture has its origins in the quest for simplification and functionality that characterised modernism in the early 20th century. Figures such as Ludwig Mies van der Rohe and his famous motto ‘less is more’ laid the foundations for what was to become architectural minimalism. During this period, simple geometric forms, clean lines and a neutral colour palette began to be explored, all with a focus on function over form.

    However, it was in the second half of the 20th century that minimalism began to take shape as a distinct movement. Influenced by minimalist art and Zen philosophy, architectural minimalism became a reaction to the ornate and ornate styles of the past. Architects such as John Pawson and Tadao Ando took this approach to new levels, creating spaces characterised by simplicity, clarity and serenity.

    In the decades that followed, minimalism continued to evolve, adapting to the changing needs and values of contemporary society. From the emergence of sustainable architecture to the integration of advanced technologies, minimalism has proven to be a flexible and adaptable style that remains relevant in the world of design.

    The use of white in minimalist culture

    The use of white in minimalist culture is a distinctive and fundamental element that contributes to the clean, bright and timeless aesthetic of this architectural and design style. In minimalism, the colour white becomes a powerful tool for creating spaces that inspire calm, clarity and serenity.

    Firstly, the neutrality of white makes it a blank canvas on which architectural forms, textures and details can be highlighted. By avoiding the distraction of vibrant or bold colours, white allows the architecture itself to become the focus of attention, communicating its essence with clarity and purity.

    In addition, white has the unique ability to reflect light efficiently, contributing to the feeling of brightness and spaciousness in minimalist spaces. The entry of natural light is maximised through the use of white on walls, ceilings and surfaces, creating a bright and airy atmosphere that invites calm and contemplation.

    Another reason why white is so prevalent in minimalist culture is its ability to create a sense of uniformity and continuity in spaces. By using white consistently throughout the design, it creates a visual cohesion that helps to unify the environment and accentuate a sense of order and harmony.

    In minimalist culture, this colour is not limited to surfaces, but white is used throughout the interior design. This chromatic coherence contributes to a sense of simplicity and purity in design, reinforcing the fundamental principles of minimalism.

    Benefits of minimalism in architecture and interior design

    Minimalism in architecture and interior design brings with it a number of practical and emotional benefits for the occupants of spaces. From optimising the use of space to improving well-being and quality of life, minimalism offers a number of advantages that make this approach increasingly popular in the world of contemporary design, as we have seen.

    Spatial efficiency and functionality in minimalist spaces

    One of the main advantages of minimalism in architecture and interior design is its ability to maximise the use of available space and improve its functionality. By eliminating unnecessary elements and simplifying the design, minimalist spaces become more efficient and versatile, allowing for better circulation and optimal use of every square centimetre.

    In a world where living space is increasingly limited, minimalism offers an elegant and practical solution to maximise the utility of small spaces and create environments that adapt to the changing needs of their occupants. From integrated storage solutions to multi-functional furniture, minimalism encourages creativity and innovation in design to achieve a balance between form and function.

    Impact on the quality of life and wellbeing of occupants

    In addition to its spatial efficiency, minimalism also has a positive impact on the quality of life and well-being of those who inhabit the spaces. By eliminating visual clutter and reducing the amount of sensory stimuli, minimalist spaces create an environment that promotes mental calm, concentration and relaxation.

    The feeling of spaciousness and light that is characteristic of minimalist spaces contributes to a serene and welcoming atmosphere that invites tranquillity and rest. In addition, by reducing the amount of objects and furniture in a space, minimalism makes cleaning and maintenance easier, which in turn can reduce the stress and anxiety associated with caring for a home.

    Tiles to decorate a minimalist architecture

    Tiles are a versatile and elegant option for decorating minimalist architecture, adding texture, depth and a touch of sophistication to spaces. In the context in which we are talking about, where simplicity and visual purity are fundamental, the choice of tiles can play a crucial role in creating harmonious and balanced environments.

    Firstly, tiles offer a wide variety of options in terms of shapes, colours and textures, allowing designers to play with creativity and expression within the parameters of minimalism. From rectangular ceramic tiles to glass mosaics in neutral tones, there are endless possibilities to personalise and enrich minimalist interior design.

    In addition, tiles can be used in a variety of ways to add visual interest and dynamism to minimalist spaces. For example, they can be applied in the form of geometric patterns on walls or floors to create focal points or accentuate the architecture of a space. Similarly, tiles can be used as decorative elements in bathrooms and kitchens, adding a touch of style and elegance without compromising the minimalist aesthetic.

    Other advantages of tiles in minimalist decoration are their durability and ease of maintenance. Tiles are water-resistant, easy to clean and can withstand daily wear and tear, making them a practical and functional choice for high-traffic spaces such as kitchens, bathrooms or terraces. In addition, their smooth, non-porous surface makes them ideal for maintaining a clean and tidy environment, in line with the principles of minimalism.

    How to incorporate tiles in minimalist architecture

    At Dune, as experts in ceramic floor and wall tiles, we have a wide range of possibilities for adding a material touch to minimalist architecture. From our latest cement and stone collections, Zement and Pietrasanta, to a wide selection of white tiles and beige tiles or brown tiles, the options for adding that touch of texture are infinite. Here are just a few ideas:

    1. Walls with geometric tiles

    For a minimalist bathroom you can create a focal point by covering a wall with geometric tiles in neutral tones such as white, grey or beige. Simple patterns, such as hexagons or rectangles, will add visual texture without overwhelming the space.

    2. White tiles for minimalist elegance

    In keeping with the characteristics of minimalist architecture, you can opt for white tiles on the walls and floor to create a feeling of spaciousness and lightness. Large rectangular tiles are popular choices that fit perfectly with the minimalist style.

    3. Modern kitchens with tiled backsplashes

    In a minimalist kitchen, you can use tiles on the backsplash to add a touch of colour or texture. Opt for tiles in neutral tones or soft colours to maintain coherence with the rest of the space. For example, in this minimalist kitchen, a grey colour is added to the backsplash to maintain sobriety and coherence but give a different texture.

    4. Industrial minimalism

    Another option for the kitchen is the combination of minimalist and industrial styles. One option is to combine tiles with a cement-effect finish with darker, straight-cut furniture, reminiscent of this style. You can also achieve a more industrial look by introducing the colour black and chairs in this style, but maintaining the coherence and serenity of the minimalist style.

    5. Terraces and outdoor areas with stone tiles

    In outdoor areas, such as terraces or patios, you can use natural stone tiles to create a serene and relaxing atmosphere. Stone tiles in earthy tones such as grey, beige or the trendy ivory shade will perfectly complement the minimalist aesthetic and create a harmonious connection with nature.

    In all of these examples it is important to remain consistent with the minimalist style by choosing tiles in neutral tones, simple shapes and clean patterns. By doing so, you will be able to create a harmonious and balanced environment that reflects the essence of minimalism in architecture and interior design.

    Current and future trends in minimalism

    Minimalism continues to evolve and adapt to the changing needs of contemporary society: from the integration of technologies to a focus on sustainability, current and future trends in minimalism reflect a commitment to creativity, functionality and timeless beauty.

    One of the main trends in contemporary minimalist architecture is the integration of advanced technologies to improve energy efficiency and occupant comfort. This includes the use of intelligent control systems for lighting, climate and resource management, as well as the incorporation of sustainable building materials and techniques.

    In the future, minimalism is expected to continue to play an important role in architectural design due to its ability to create spaces that are both aesthetically appealing and functionally efficient. The integration of emerging technologies, such as augmented reality and artificial intelligence, is expected to revolutionise the way we design and experience built spaces.

    In short, architectural minimalism represents much more than an aesthetic style; it is a holistic approach to creating spaces that inspire calm, simplicity and connection to the environment. As we continue to evolve as a society, minimalism will continue to play a fundamental role in the way we conceive, design and inhabit the built world around us.

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