Lledó Barberá
Autor/a: Lledó Barberá Fecha de publicación: 10/11/2021 Última edición: 30/06/2024

Beds without headboards: ideas to break with the established

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    An important part of the decoration in the bedrooms are the beds. This element occupies a large part of the room and is the central axis around which the rest of the decorative details revolve. Furniture, textiles, paintings, lamps… Everything influences the style of the room, but, without a doubt, the bed is the most important thing. For this reason, we want to propose several ideas of beds without headboard so that this element of the bedroom stands out even more if possible. Take note of how to create beds without a headboard!

    We agree that the headboard of a bed takes up space and, sometimes, doing without it is a good idea to maximize the space available. In addition, the headboard supposes an extra cost to the decoration and, if it is dispensed with, that amount can be allocated to other elements of the room. You also have to take into account in which part of the room you want to put the focus of attention, since if placing a headboard means that it will assume a large part of the prominence.

    However, custom dictates that beds must have a headboard. Either it will be for comfort at bedtime or to avoid that the mattress rests directly on the wall, it is true that it is not usual to see beds without a headboard. But, despite this, there are several options to choose to place a bed without a headboard and that the result is spectacular.

    Beds without headboards? 5 very TOP ideas

    Interior design and decoration evolve based on consumer needs and tastes. The established rules are to break them and create new decorative patterns with which to mark the path of the styles of the future.

    Idea 1: paintings

    If you are an art lover, you can decorate the back wall of the bed with paintings. Choosing canvases by your most acclaimed authors can be a great idea if you are one of those who bet on beds without a headboard. You can combine paintings of different sizes or choose a work of art that is the same width as the bed.

    Pictures can be placed in the headboard area of ​​the bed.
    You can place pictures where the headboard would go.

    If you want to decorate the headboard space with pictures, you can also opt for framed photographs. Choose the photos that are most meaningful to you and place them as a painting to create a bed with a very special headboard.

    The photos are used to decorate the bedroom and replace the headboard.
    You can choose the best photos to place as the headboard of your bed.

    Idea 2: lamps

    Lighting is a key element in the decoration of the rooms and, in certain cases, it becomes the center of the room. Therefore, if you opt for beds without a headboard, lamps can play a fundamental role. You can place sconces on both sides of the bed to delimit the space. You can also choose a large lamp to complete the decoration of the room: it will capture all the attention and you will not miss the headboard.

The lamps are used to decorate and can be placed in the place of the headboard.
    Lamps can be your best ally to delimit the space of the bed.

    Idea 3: textiles

    On the other hand, if you opt for beds without a headboard, an idea to decorate that area of ​​the room is to choose textiles that are attractive. Scraps of fabrics from other countries, such as Persian silks; tapestries made of macramé; or strips of banners or fabric garlands, are perfect options to create beds without a headboard.

    Textile decoration can be a good option to create a headboard.

    Remember that it is essential that the textile decoration be directly related to the rest of the decorative elements of the room.

    Idea 4: tiles

    Wall covering tiles are also a perfect option to simulate a headboard. In this sense, you can choose tiles with 3D shapes that add volume to the space. You can also choose to show off the back wall of the bed with tiles that recreate natural textures and materials, like the Stripes series in which textile finishes are offered in tiles and wood-look finishes.

    With the tiles you can create endless combinations.

    Small-format tiles placed in a herringbone shape to create a feeling of high ceilings in the room can also be interesting. You can choose the color that best suits the bedroom decoration of all those that we propose in the Tabarca series.

    You can create your own design, thanks to the alternatives offered by tiles.

    Likewise, Soft & Safe tiles are a perfect option to decorate beds without headboards. Its matte finish and silky appearance create a very beautiful tile for this bedroom space.

    Idea 5: wallpaper

    Finally, if you want beds without a headboard for your home, we suggest you choose wallpaper for the wall on which this element should go. Wallpaper offers endless possibilities to create sophisticated environments, since everything you can imagine can be obtained on wallpaper. From flowers, patterns, stripes, animal print … Everything you can think of can be found on paper to decorate your bedroom.

    On the other hand, it should be mentioned that the arrangement of the bed in the room also favors that it is not necessary to use a headboard. In this sense, if you place the structure in the center of the room, the bed creates a suspended effect and it is not necessary to have a headboard. However, you can also place the bed under a window: there is no better headboard than an excellent landscape.

    The bed under the window looks great if you don’t want to have a headboard.

    What do you think of our ideas to create beds without a headboard?


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