Lledó Barberá
Autor/a: Lledó Barberá Fecha de publicación: 29/11/2023 Última edición: 03/07/2024

Creative ideas for decorating columns in interior design and architecture projects

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    At the moment of facing an interior design and/or architectural project, one of the elements that can evoke the most fear is columns since they can hinder decoration and are often attempted to be hidden or even removed (if they don't serve as pillars). However, one can also choose to embrace the enemy and seek creative ideas to decorate columns, transforming them into a decorative element within the project.

    Columns can be much more than simple structural supports and, with a bit of ingenuity, can become the piece that adds a distinctive and stylized touch to the space, be it in a residential or contract project. Furthermore, having columns in a space gives us the opportunity to create interiors full of personality; they are a blank canvas on which to express our creativity.

    Ideas for decorating interior columns

    At Dune, we encourage you to see columns as an opportunity to integrate one more element into a space's decoration. Therefore, below, we'll provide ideas to decorate columns and turn them into authentic pieces of art wherever they are situated. Ready? Let's get started!

    • Creative painting. Experiment with geometric designs, color gradients, or artistic murals to transform columns into captivating canvases.
    • Vertical garden. Add trellises around the columns and allow climbing plants to impart a natural and fresh touch to your space.
    • Striking lighting. Use recessed lights or LED strips to highlight the columns, creating unique visual effects and emphasizing the architecture.
    • Mirrors and reflections. Place mirrors or reflective materials to amplify space and play with light, generating a brighter and more expansive atmosphere.

    These are just a few ideas for decorating interior columns, as we can also choose to leave them natural for a more industrial look, give them a new purpose as shelves, or place a dresser next to them to conceal them as much as possible.

    Now, another option, and our favorite (let's not deny it!), is cladding the column with ceramic tiles. Therefore, let's delve a little deeper into how we can use tiles to decorate columns.

    Tiles and mosaics as a versatile solution for decorating columns

    As we've mentioned, columns also have the ability to enhance the aesthetics of a space, especially if we opt to clad them with tiles or mosaics. These have the power to completely transform the appearance of a column, but not only that, using ceramic tiles also presents numerous advantages that go beyond aesthetics.

    Mosaico Osiris

    Advantages of ceramic tiles for cladding columns

    • Variety of designs and styles. Tiles and mosaics offer a wide range of designs, colors, and patterns that adapt to any decorative style. From classic ceramic tiles to modern glass mosaics, there are options to suit all tastes and decorative styles.
    • Versatility and adaptability. These coverings are highly adaptable to different types of columns, whether they are round, square, or irregularly shaped. Moreover, they can be applied indoors or outdoors, allowing for aesthetic coherence throughout the architectural project.
    • Durability and resistance. Tiles and mosaics are durable materials capable of withstanding the test of time, moisture, and wear. This resilience makes them ideal choices for high-traffic areas or places requiring frequent cleaning.
    • Easy maintenance. Their smooth, non-porous surface facilitates cleaning and maintenance. Tiles and mosaics are resistant to stains and do not require special care, making them a practical and functional choice for spaces aiming to stay impeccably clean with ease.
    • Glossy effect. The shiny surface of tiles and mosaics can reflect light, adding brightness to the environment. This can make spaces appear larger and more luminous, contributing to a sense of openness in the room.
    • Personalization and creativity. The possibility of creating custom patterns and designs with tiles and mosaics allows interior designers and architects to unleash their creativity—the customization is limitless!
    • Increased aesthetic value. By embellishing columns with tiles or mosaics, a unique aesthetic value is added to the space. These coverings can turn columns into visual focal points that complement and enrich the overall design of the environment.

    Ideas for decorating interior columns in residential and commercial projects

    One of the greatest advantages of ceramic tiles for cladding columns is their versatility and the infinite possibilities they offer. At Dune, we offer a wide variety of coverings perfect for these solutions, achieving a quality and professional finish for cladding a column or pillar.

    Decorating interior pillars with small-format tiles

    Small-format ceramic tiles are the most suitable option when considering cladding a column with this material. Their size makes them more manageable for curved areas, while if dealing with a rectangular or square pillar, their placement is facilitated. Here are some ideas:

    - Endless mosaic effect. For example, the Kit-Kat series, our latest release, is perfect for decorating interior columns, whether in a residential or commercial project. Its wide range of colors and two finishes offer great decorative versatility. Moreover, this collection is designed to be used in curved areas without any problem, as its tiles can be easily cut to adapt to these types of surfaces. In the image, for example, we see different Kit-Kat pieces curving in bathrooms.

    - Play with tile placement. Also, our Pietrasanta series, in its smaller format of 7x28cm, serves to decorate columns or pillars. Here we see two examples of fireplace cladding, which serve as an example of how a column could be concealed, for instance, in the living room. Moreover, working with small pieces offers us the possibility of playing with their placement, which can be horizontal, vertical, or in a herringbone pattern.

    Another example of the use of these types of pieces, applied in this case to a commercial project, is clearly seen at Margarito Grill Restaurant, where our Atelier series is the star of the decorative rectangular planters, as well as the cladding of benches that act as separators and space distributors.

    - The square format: perfect for highlighting space. Another idea for decorating interior pillars is to use small pieces in a square format, which highlights a part of the decoration. In the image, we see how tiles from our Berlin series are used to emphasize the two walls, especially the one protruding behind the sink. This example allows us to see how the use of square tiles would look on a pillar or a separating wall with a square or rectangular format (its use is not recommended in curved areas due to its more challenging geometric shape to adapt).

    - Bring columns to life with volumes. Another idea for decorating interior columns is to play with pieces with volume, such as those from our Shapes series. In this case, we find the perfect example in two commercial projects that trusted in Dune products. On one hand, at Hotel RH Victoria, they used Shapes White along with the now discontinued Shapes Luna White to cover the two columns in the breakfast buffet area.

    And, on the other hand, in the Markova Shops clothing store, where our Multishapes White piece is the undisputed protagonist of one of the display window columns, giving it personality and strength.

    Mosaics: a timeless classic for decorating columns

    When it comes to decorating columns, few elements offer the versatility and artistic expression of mosaics. These decorative pieces have the power to transform columns into true works of art. The versatility of mosaics for decorating columns is limitless and manifests in various forms, adapting to styles, concepts, and personal preferences.

    Therefore, mosaic is an ideal choice for those seeking distinctive and personalized decoration. Whether to beautify a commercial space, a residential project, or a public setting, mosaics provide an endless canvas for creativity and artistic expression when decorating interior pillars.

    Furthermore, at Dune, we are passionate about mosaics as a decorative element and are experts in ceramic mosaics to add an original touch to any project. This piece presents no limitations when decorating curved areas, such as a column.

    Below, we present several examples where our mosaics take center stage in curved areas, shower walls, or fireplace cladding, showcasing their effect on these architectural elements. Firstly, our Mosaico Karakter is the perfect cladding for the wall separating the shower area from the rest of the bathroom. An incredible result.

    Other examples of mosaic use in curved areas are found in the Mosaico Caldea D-K and Mosaico Princess. In both cases, the mosaic serves to cover the hand basin area and demonstrates how it would look if used to decorate a column. Guaranteed glamour!

    Lastly, we use the Mosaico Estratos Quarzita-DK to clad a fireplace and showcase how a natural slate mosaic would appear to conceal a column in the living room. A very welcoming rustic effect.

    Ultimately, the key lies in selecting an idea that complements the overall aesthetics of the space and conveys the desired atmosphere. With creativity, careful planning, and the right selection of materials, tiles and mosaics can become focal pieces that add character, elegance, and distinction to any column in any interior or architectural design project.

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